adb shell screenrecord
Android screenrecord v1.2. Records the device's display to a .mp4 file
adb shell screenrecord /mnt/sdcard/Download/test.mp4
Recording continues until Ctrl-C is hit or the time limit is reached
Set the video size, e.g. \"1280x720\". Default is the device's main display resolution (if supported), 1280x720 if not. For best results, use a size supported by the AVC encoder.
adb shell screenrecord --size 1280x720 /mnt/sdcard/Download/test.mp4
Set the video bit rate, in bits per second. Value may be specified as bits or megabits, e.g. '4000000' is equivalent to '4M'. Default 20Mbps.
adb shell screenrecord --bit-rate 4000000 /mnt/sdcard/Download/test.mp4
Rotates the output 90 degrees. This feature is experimental.
adb shell screenrecord --rotate /mnt/sdcard/Download/test.mp4
Add additional information, such as a timestamp overlay, that is helpful in videos captured to illustrate bugs.
adb shell screenrecord --bugreport /mnt/sdcard/Download/test.mp4
Set the maximum recording time, in seconds. Default / maximum is 180
adb shell screenrecord --time-limit=120 /mnt/sdcard/Download/test.mp4
Display interesting information on stdout
adb shell screenrecord --verbose /mnt/sdcard/Download/test.mp4
Audio is not recorded with the video file. Rotation of the screen during recording is not supported. If the screen does rotate during recording, some of the screen is cut off in the recording.